IT Solution

We help clients to optimize the performance of their existing IT infrastructure by advising on system performance and system upgrades, problem analysis, and resolution, and hardware/software implementation.

  1. 電腦硬件及軟件安裝 (Hardware & software installation)
  2. 數據備份及恢復 (Date back up & recovery)
  3. 後備電源系統採購及安裝(UPS installation)
  4. 儲存系統方案 (Storage solution)
  5. 中小企電腦及網絡方案架構設計 (Network diagram design for SME)
  6. 資訊科技基礎設施顧問服務 (IT infrastructure development for SME)
  7. 項目管理 (Project management)
  8. IT設備搬遷服務 (Relocation)
  9. 微軟產品和Linux解決方案 (MichaelSoft &  Linux solutions)
  10. 電話系統 (IPPBX system)